From the 'freaking awesome' department - 3D support on nouveau

So, this is insane:

Spring on Nouveau

That's Spring. What's Spring? Well, it's a fairly neat open source RTS framework that started out as a Total Annihilation clone, but more to the point, it's a pretty complex 3D game. What's cool about the picture? Well, it's in the renderer info in the console (which you probably can't quite make out, never mind). Yup, that's Spring...running on Nouveau!

Huge kudos to the whole nouveau team for this. Nouveau's 3D support recently became available in Rawhide / Fedora 13 with an update to the mesa-dri-drivers-experimental package. I was impressed when it ran Compiz, really impressed when it ran Neverball and Foobillard, but running Spring is nuts. Doesn't seem to manage gnome-shell yet, but I'm sure they can fix that. I admit I never expected to see things working like that in such a time frame. Obviously it's heavily hardware dependent, it doesn't run super-fast (looked like about 20-25fps, just by eyeballing it, on my 9400 GT) and I haven't stressed it much yet so it may be crashy, but still, that's incredible stuff.

edit: it also runs Quake 3. Quake fricking 3!


[...] From the ‘freaking awesome’ department – 3D support on nouveau That’s Spring. What’s Spring? Well, it’s a fairly neat open source RTS framework that started out as a Total Annihilation clone, but more to the point, it’s a pretty complex 3D game. What’s cool about the picture? Well, it’s in the renderer info in the console (which you probably can’t quite make out, never mind). Yup, that’s Spring…running on Nouveau! [...]
[...] 13 dueños de hardware 3D de NVIDIA? Entre otras cosas, que a partir de mayo podrán, al igual que Adam Williamson, jugar espectacularmente con el motor Spring para juegos [...]
[...] February, 2010, 7:32 pm Red Hat zaposlenik Adam Williamson izvještava u svom blogu da “Rawhide” razvoja grana iz Fedore je nedavno počeo da nudi osnovnu i [...]
[...] de las características de este driver libre. El último ejemplo nos lo cuenta Adam Williamson en su blog, donde nos informa sobre los estupendos resultados del mencionado controlador libre con springrts o [...]
[...] In aktuellen Vorversionen von Fedora 13 ist eine aktualisierte Variante des Nouveau-Treibers enthalten, die experimentelle 3D-Unterstützung bietet. Ein Update im mesa-dri-drivers-experimental-Paket [...]
[...] de las características de este driver libre. El último ejemplo nos lo cuenta Adam Williamson en su blog, donde nos informa sobre los estupendos resultados del mencionado controlador libre con springrts o [...]
[...] Williamson, ein Entwickler, schreibt in seinem Blog, dass der Code mit Compiz Neverball und Foobilliard funktioniert. Aber: die Shell, die aktuell in [...]
[...] ahora finalmente trae soporte de aceleración 3D gracias a la libería Gallium3D. Y como ya está comenzando a reportarse, los avances conseguidos por Nouveau son destacables, incluyendo soporte completo de [...]
[...] ahora finalmente trae soporte de aceleración 3D gracias a la libería Gallium3D. Y como ya está comenzando a reportarse, los avances conseguidos por Nouveau son destacables, incluyendo soporte completo de [...]
[...] 3D na wybranych układach graficznych Nvidii. O sukcesie i postępach w pracach informuje w osobistym blogu zatrudniony w Red Hacie i odpowiedzialny za kontrolę jakości (QA/Quality Assurance) programista [...]
[...] 3D support on nouveau [...]
[...] chức năng cho trình điều khiển đóng. Trải qua một quá trình xây dựng, Nouveau bắt đầu hỗ trợ 3D. Chức năng này vẫn ở mức độ thử nghiệm, nhưng người dùng có thể lấy gói [...]
[…] 13 dueños de hardware 3D de NVIDIA? Entre otras cosas, que a partir de mayo podrán, al igual que Adam Williamson, jugar espectacularmente con el motor Spring para juegos […]