New toy: Vaio P arrived

So, I ordered my Vaio P from the local Sony Store rather than directly from Sony. Good choice - I got to pick it up from the store today, I don't think any of the direct orders have arrived yet. It's amazing. A lot of people consider it overpriced compared to 'normal' netbooks, but it really is a different story - the size, weight, build quality and the screen are on a different level. Here's some fairly crappy pictures (my years old camera doesn't like focussing properly without flash). The comparison shots are with my partner's Aspire One - as you can see, the Vaio is a lot smaller and a lot thinner. It also weighs a *lot* less. vaiop_1 vaiop_2 vaiop_3 vaiop_4 vaiop_5 vaiop_6 vaiop_7 Hopefully I'll have a picture of it up and running Linux soon!


[...] Enjoy the Pics und thanks AdamW [...]
[...] المحمول Vaio P من شركة اليابانية Sony أصبح متوفرا في أمريكا Adam تمكن من الحصول على الجهاز .. كما أنه يخبرنا بأمر مثير أن [...]
shikamaru wrote on 2009-02-01 09:20:
nice design ! the keyboard looks comfortable even with that small size, perhaps it was a good option to remove the touchpad. /me is waiting for his Gdium =)
[...] Source [...]
TK009 wrote on 2010-12-09 03:27:
Nice looking little device. I just got a netbook myself two weeks ago, the first for me, and have been trying a number of distro's on it looking for the best fit. I am interested in what you decide to run linux wise on the device, please do let us know. Will you keep win7 installed, or flatten it and pave a new linux road? I'm keeping win7 installed until I figure out a strategy for saving off disk. Gratz on your new little toy=)
adamw wrote on 2010-12-09 04:05:
dude, check the date on this post, I've had the thing two years now. =) it runs Fedora, I maintain the Linux driver for psb just because of the thing. mostly I use my Z now, though.
TK009 wrote on 2010-12-09 15:41:
date? bah I missed that =). My Fedora trials start tomorrow although with a broadcom card I am not sure how it will go.