just one 'daily log' post, then
just one 'daily log' post, to satisfy the meme and provide a flavour - I'd never be able to keep this up every day: - chair the QA meeting - news+email catch up - check in with jlaska and benl at red hat regarding qa team responsibilities - mail sriram ramkrishna some stats on F15 GNOME 3 test days - mail ajax to check on the status of his 'making X drivers non-critpath' project - mail bskeggs regarding out-of-date-ness of nouveau - give tao wu a heads-up that f16 beta rats compose may become tc1 - quick mail to michael meeks regarding oracle vs. google - create f16 common bugs page - mail test@ list to ask for contributions to f16 common bugs page - spam devel@ list with my awesome opinions - mail abrt team to ask about abrt apparently not catching test crashes - file gnome bug on changes to tree view padding in 3.1.5 - file gnome bug on problem with pausing/resuming in rhythmbox - build latest rhythmbox for f16; involves bumping libdmapsharing to latest upstream, so do that too - file gnome bug on rhythmbox master crashing when scanning library - test proposed workaround for kernel bug - 2.6.39 and later kernels cause my laptop (and others) to DoS dd-wrt routers - file bug on big drop in performance using kernel 3.1-rc2 on my desktop - discuss above bug with jwb and bskeggs, confirm 3.1-rc3 somewhat improves matters, update bug - further testing on f16-alpha-kde-crashing-X-in-VM bug, provide X log - re-schedule X test week to clear space for i18n/l10n test week to drop back, and so it won't happen while ajax is on vacation - respond to eclipse test day proposal - check in with tflink and mkrizek - dial in to fedora program meeting (rh meeting to monitor any fedora issues of relevance to rhel) - do f16 fedora-easy-karma run still planning to add some content to the f16 common bugs page, as alpha drops tomorrow. no, not all my days are this busy. =)