Comment spam counter

So, since enabling my whizzy new comment authentication system, I've two comments kindly offering information on handjobs, one on pharmaceuticals and one which I'd really rather not describe. Good thing all this sophisticated modern authentication stuff is so spam-proof, eh? Sigh.


graeme wrote on 2009-11-21 19:14:
Try Spam Karma. I have been using it for a while, and it lots through very little spam, and I have only had one false positive - that comment was yours, unfortunately!
graeme wrote on 2009-11-21 19:16:
Sorry, your problem is with authentication, not primarily spam, so my solution might not be relevant - but it works pretty well with open comments. I suppose your authentication could be working properly: they are authentic spammers....
jonstanley wrote on 2009-11-22 01:35:
Interesting that I'm not getting any spam in my blog since moving to MT (which has some nice spam heuristics built in, checks some blacklists, etc (these are in default-shipped plugins), but I'm not sure how effective they are since when I just clicked on spam comments there were none, and none of the real comments were spam). Does Wordpress have something similar?